Tailor-made translation and interpreting solutions
Some companies choose to outsource certain linguistic tasks, seeking specialist solutions. At Transrelation we are experts in providing tailor-made solutions to the language challenges that your company may face.
This type of collaboration can take on many forms, from solving specific tasks to outsourcing an entire department. The following are some examples:
● Co-ordination and organisation of sales calls, business visits or periods of study in Spain and Denmark
● Documentation on a particular subject in a Spanish-speaking country: existing legislation, press coverage
● Market research
● Management of a company's Spanish-speaking contacts or taking on the responsibilities of its international department.
From English, German and/or Danish into Spanish
All these different tasks have a common denominator: they require a linguistic expertise that the company does not possess, which is why it chooses to establish a working relationship with an external supplier.
Below, we describe four specific cases in which we have provided tailor-made solutions in four different fields, demonstrating just how versatile our services are:
The specific tasks performed by Transrelation are:
Transrelation works with Soonr on a permanent basis, translating the new products and services into Spanish. Since the need for translations on the platform is constant, our collaboration involves online access to the translation system, which includes all the texts awaiting translation and updating. As a result, very few resources need to be devoted to file management and other tasks. Since this is an ongoing collaboration, we are in constant contact with Soonr's development team, and we keep abreast of new products via email, online sessions and face-to-face meetings in their office in Denmark. This working relationship is defined by a high degree of mutual trust and consummate professionalism.
Lo que dice Autotask:
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